By Sophie Rouméas

Artwork by Saint Michael’s School of Divinity, The Divine Feminine
Three ways can prevent me from appreciating you—
being out of tune with my femininity,
being a prisoner of my past and family story,
not perceiving the purity of your love.
I’d like to find the antidote
to these three possible shadows in the world,
I commit to looking into my own personal ones
without make-up, without trembling.
I was born a full woman,
connected to the moon and its tidal phases.
From my cycles, emotions are born.
When I dare to be mind, body, and spirit,
I am not afraid of my
hurly-burly fluctuations.
I become a temple
to welcome the flowers of your passion.
I carry past sorrows and joys,
those of my lineage of women and men.
From them,
I also received the gift of transmutation.
Life grants wisdom and clarity.
I am offered the choice to activate my comprehension
and get away from
the helter-skelter incarnations.
Embracing my ancestors
becomes the answer.
I am then free and whole in our becoming.
You, the man I’ve chosen—
whom I feel chosen by.
I receive and love you in acceptance
that your humanity is the same as mine—
you are also the fruit of two opposite stars.
Equidistant from earth to the divine,
I am moving my center of gravity
towards you.