By Sam Yau
The day you were born,
you were given four gifts:
free will,
an ego,
and forgetfulness.
Who animates your heartbeat,
activates your breath,
comforts you when you are sad,
celebrates with you when you are joyful,
shines light through your darkest days,
surprises you with joy in your deepest sorrow?
Who awes you with
the sun’s first beam that pierces the hilltop,
the sunset cloud that sprays golden rays,
the wind that waves the green wheat field,
the glint that bounces on a blanket of white snow?
Who nudges you to
seek meaning and purpose,
expand your circle of love,
arrive at the unity in diversity,
find your way back to Source?
You surge
from the ocean of awareness
as a desire of the Divine
to experience Itself as the unique you:
one strand of the infinite glory
and variety of Its creations.
You are a wave rising up to
the beautiful dance of life,
remerging into eternity.
Painting by Olena Zavakevych