By Sam Yau
Step inside your favorite café,
look into the eyes of a waitress
who has served you for years,
ask, “How are you?” with
a thankful smile.
Notice what arises inside you.
Feel the cup of latte
warm your hands.
Let its delicate, sweet flavor
mellow your heart.
Behind the barista,
can you see
the farmers, the processors, the distributors
from the four corners of the world
toiling to create this delight to start your day?
How the window is eager to show you
the golden sunset over the Pacific,
the stair tread to rise to receive
your next step as you ascend,
the kettle to whistle
a love song,
the oven to ooze the
delicious aroma of baking croissants?
How the patient rocks grinded
against the ocean waves for eons
to turn into the finest white sands
to cuddle your feet on the beach?
How floating moisture, dust, and wind
create the most gorgeous shape-
shifting clouds to dazzle you?
How the sun and the moon take turns
to illuminate you from the sky?
Can you see,
every encounter
is an exchange of love?
How everything around you is alive,
forever saying, “I love you”?
Gratitude unlocks
the hidden intimacy you
already have with everything.