By Sam Yau
You can’t recall a single
major traumatic event.
But you have suffered
small but recurrent hurts
inflicted by those closest to you
over many years:
You’d walk in a room
and feel invisible,
your enthusiasm was negated,
your idea, brushed off
and called clueless.
No one to talk to.
No one cares.
Small unhealed injuries
snowball into a
debilitating wound.
It gnaws at your self-worth,
depletes your life-force.
The world feels unsafe,
you become a loner.
Your pain body unlivable,
bit by bit, your soul leaves.
Your eyes look vacant.
Nothing is pleasurable.
A chunk of your life has
vanished from memory.
A thousand cuts need
a thousand doses
of loving kindness
to heal.
Open your heart,
be vulnerable,
share your life with
friends old and new.
Look for beauty, love’s
favorite place to indwell.
Your favorite things
will come to life and return
your caring vibes.
Propagate your love,
for it boomerangs,
and heals you at the root.
Painting by Olena Zavakevych